#1 Target Camera Blender 2.69 Constraint you camera with an Empty object will convert it to a targeted camera ! Simply , creat...

#1 Target Camera Blender 2.69 Constraint you camera with an Empty object will convert it to a targeted camera ! Simply , creat...
Hi , I started to translate the wiki.blender.com to Arabic :) :: This two page was done :: مقدمة في القيود http://wiki.blender.org...
كما في المعدلات Modifiers يمكن للكائن Object أو العظم Bone أن يملك قيد واحد أو أكثر في نفس الوقت , لذا فإنها تكون ضمن شمجموعات تحو...
:: Smoke Test :: Ball hit the ground & emit some sand :) I git the sound from FreeSound.com :: http://www.freesound.org/pe...
- Created with Blender 2.69 . - Rendered with Cycle . - Simple Composite . >>> Available in Blendswap <<...
القيود Constraints القيود هي وسيلة لربط الخصائص الحركية Transform Properties بين الكائنات Objects و التي تشمل ( الموقع Pos...
Created with Blender 3D 2.69 Blender Internal Render
Created with Blender 2.69 Available in : Blendswap.com
Created with Blender 2.69 + Add some Lens with Gimp
Created with Blender 2.69
- Create with Blender 2.69
- Created with Blender 3D - Render : Internal